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Education, courses and memberships:


  • ​Associate member of Pet Dog Trainers of Europe.


  •  6th Edition of Canine Education Madrid 2020 with Tartaruga. Given by Jordi Herrera, Nicolas Planterrose and Albert Vilardell.


  • Nordic Education Centre for Dog Trainers. Introduction course behaviour, language and problem-solving Fall 2020.  20 weeks.


  • Feb. 2020.  14 hours.  Dog Agression, Emotional and Cognitive Tools. Given  by La Brújula Canina.


  • March 2020.  12 hours: Human Emotional Management to resolve conductual conflicts. Given by La Brújula Canina.


  • April 2020.  Aromatherapy workshop for dogs. Given by La Brújula Canina.


  • April 2020.  Physical and emotional dog care during CoVid confinement. Given by La Brújula Canina.


  • May 2020. 14 hours. Beyond Calming Signals, learning to use canine communication. Given by La Brújula Canina.


  • Aug 2020.  6 horas.  The Young Dog Seminar. Given by Tartaruga Educación Canina.


  • Aug 2020. 22 hours. Dog Emotion and Cognition. Duke University (Coursera). Given by Dr Brian Hare.


  • Aug 2020. 5 hours. Canine nutrition awareness, BARF and Natural diets. Given by Veterinary Doctor. Carlos Alberto Gutierrez.


  • Sept 2020. Animal Welfare and Behaviour. Course from the University of Edinburg (Coursera).


  • Dec 2020. "How to Speak Dog Fluently". Given by Anne Lill Kvan with Canidogs Center. 


  • Jan 2021. 1, 5 hours. Exploring Advanced Animal Training Concepts. Start Button, Mands, Classical Conditioning and Shaping. Karolina Westlund.PhD Ethology. 


  • Jan 2021. Webinar. Dr. Santiago Benjumea : "From Animal Psychology to Human Psychology."


  • Feb 2021. The fundamentals – handling emotional states in animals. Karolina Westlund. PhD Ethology.


  • Feb 2021. 2 days Seminar with Turid Rugaas. The Complete Dog. Organized by


  • March 2021. Seminar with Turid Rugaas. Fears and Phobias in Dogs. Organized by


  • April 30th to May 2nd 2021. Seminar with Turid Rugaas. Understanding the Dog organized by Edogtorial.

    • April 30th: The Dog´s perspective. Basic rules minimum wellbeing. The heritage​

    • May 1st: Communication and language. Walking your dogs. Barking. Dog Breeeds.

    • May 2nd: Quality life. Stress. Good Habits. Daily life.























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