Education, courses and memberships:
​Associate member of Pet Dog Trainers of Europe. www.pdte.eu
6th Edition of Canine Education Madrid 2020 with Tartaruga. Given by Jordi Herrera, Nicolas Planterrose and Albert Vilardell.
Nordic Education Centre for Dog Trainers. Introduction course behaviour, language and problem-solving Fall 2020. 20 weeks.
Feb. 2020. 14 hours. Dog Agression, Emotional and Cognitive Tools. Given by La Brújula Canina.
March 2020. 12 hours: Human Emotional Management to resolve conductual conflicts. Given by La Brújula Canina.
April 2020. Aromatherapy workshop for dogs. Given by La Brújula Canina.
April 2020. Physical and emotional dog care during CoVid confinement. Given by La Brújula Canina.
May 2020. 14 hours. Beyond Calming Signals, learning to use canine communication. Given by La Brújula Canina.
Aug 2020. 6 horas. The Young Dog Seminar. Given by Tartaruga Educación Canina.
Aug 2020. 22 hours. Dog Emotion and Cognition. Duke University (Coursera). Given by Dr Brian Hare.
Aug 2020. 5 hours. Canine nutrition awareness, BARF and Natural diets. Given by Veterinary Doctor. Carlos Alberto Gutierrez. www.nutricionistadeperros.com
Sept 2020. Animal Welfare and Behaviour. Course from the University of Edinburg (Coursera).
Dec 2020. "How to Speak Dog Fluently". Given by Anne Lill Kvan with Canidogs Center.
Jan 2021. 1, 5 hours. Exploring Advanced Animal Training Concepts. Start Button, Mands, Classical Conditioning and Shaping. Karolina Westlund.PhD Ethology.
Jan 2021. Webinar. Dr. Santiago Benjumea : "From Animal Psychology to Human Psychology."
Feb 2021. The fundamentals – handling emotional states in animals. Karolina Westlund. PhD Ethology.
Feb 2021. 2 days Seminar with Turid Rugaas. The Complete Dog. Organized by Dolcevitadog.com
March 2021. Seminar with Turid Rugaas. Fears and Phobias in Dogs. Organized by Dolcevitadog.com
April 30th to May 2nd 2021. Seminar with Turid Rugaas. Understanding the Dog organized by Edogtorial.
April 30th: The Dog´s perspective. Basic rules minimum wellbeing. The heritage​
May 1st: Communication and language. Walking your dogs. Barking. Dog Breeeds.
May 2nd: Quality life. Stress. Good Habits. Daily life.